Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Top 100 Hobbies That Are Guaranteed to Impress People the Most

The Top 100 Hobbies That Are Guaranteed to Impress People the Most  by Strom Thurston

Whether it's extreme mountain climbing, taekwondo, building computers in your garage, polo, carving intricate wooden clocks, or falconry, if you are looking for a hobby that is sure to impress people, you can find it here. Why waste your time and money on hobbies like stamp collecting, scrap-booking, or combing public beaches with a metal detector, if it's not going to make you look special and interesting? Not only does author Strom Thurston deliver as promised on a list of the most impressive hobbies, he also provides basic information on how to get started on each hobby.  And even better, Thurston cleverly supplies his new hobbyist with just enough of the name-dropping basics so that actually learning the hobby is optional.

This is just 1 of 93 ridiculously awkward book covers that you'll find in the highly entertaining "Is This Really Your Book?" book.  All 93 covers are in 1 hilarious book. The book is spiral bound so any cover can be easily flipped to the front cover.  To learn more about this book visit http://www.IsThisReallyYourBook.com

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